I've been decluttering in July.
You see, August and September are my favorite fishing months and I've got a few fishing trips to Canada coming up. So while most of you were at the beach, on vacation, camping, boating, and generally taking summer head on, July was my month to make changes in preparation for play. This year I decluttered myself and the house.
I took a 5-day detoxification teleclass from Coach Mary Kay DuChene. I've been doing detoxification eating for years but Mary Kay took my habits to a whole new level and I'm definitely feeling the difference.
Next, I grabbed Karen Kingston's book, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui and I tackled the house. Last time I read Karen's book, it was February, 2001. It was time to read it again! I'm happy to report that after the month of July, I'm living lighter than ever!
“You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.” ~Allen